by Type08 • Uploaded: Mar. 04 '10
Croatian company that offers NLP and communication education for high positioned managers. Brand name translates into 'knowledge integration' and the logo was inspired by the definition of integration in psychology: the organization of the constituent elements of the personality into a coordinated, harmonious whole. Company operates in the same way making those educations fit like the pieces of the puzzle at the end.
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I love reading your logo descriptions:) Great job as always Alen.*Btw. If I may ask, what's the name of the font?
Replywell met brief I would say. Well executed. solid type. well done type08.
Replyrefreshing :) maybe the shape of the head and neck look slightly strange, other than that, love it.
ReplyRocky, thanks buddy, you may and it's called Mido.*Paul, thanks a lot, I appreciate it!*Thanks K, I tried to pull out something like a semi-profile, like the head is facing us almost from the front but then made a slight twist to the left, towards the brand name.
ReplyLike the mark n the thinking process behind that.*cool mark ..
ReplyGreat concept and execution here.As always%3B)
ReplyNice one Bauer!
Reply%22It's called Mido.%22*Thanks maestro:)
ReplySaurabh, Almosh (nice new avatar) and Bojan, thanx guyz! *Rocky, you're welcome! :)
Replywell, i think it's a risky thing to try. without any facial features or any sort of shadowing, it might be kinda hard for people to see it as a semi-profile, cause i think it's difficult to see that perspective without anything to help. seeing the nose and a blank head, most would just think that as a perfect profile view, not to mention for the untrained eyes. and as a standard profile view, you know where it started to look strange.
ReplyK girl, everything is under control, trust me...
Replyo i do trust u
Replynice work:)
ReplyThanks, Big Ood! :)
Replystop being so good!
ReplyHahaa, Rich, thanks buddy! :)
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