
by Type08 • Uploaded: Dec. 21 '09


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Description: Client from Switzerland. Logo for a new solution for social media publishing tools and applications.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7855

Lets Discuss

alterego Dec. 21 '09

interesting visual..... perfect illustration and nice balance there any alignment problem in between name and tag-line ?

Type08 Dec. 21 '09

Nope, aligned vertically to the left. Thanks man!

teeps Dec. 22 '09

good illustration

Type08 Dec. 22 '09

Thanks Teeps! I guess the concept is pretty clear, something like small tank/space/media for huge ideas/society/publishing...

ryanlynndesign Jan. 13 '10

Nice. I think it works well for the company you described.

JF Jan. 13 '10

I really like the logomark and type treatment. Tag line and concept, though, not so much. Social media is broad and wide%3B unless the tag line mentions 'containing social media for you' it won't work with the graphic. Perhaps something has been lost in translation. %0D*%0D*

JF Jan. 13 '10

Typo: meant to put:%0D*I really like the logomark and type treatment. Tag line and concept, though, not so much. Social media is broad and wide%3B unless the tag line mentions _something along the lines of_ 'containing social media for you' it won't work with the graphic. Perhaps something has been lost in translation. %0D*

Type08 Jan. 13 '10

JF, it's simple, it's like you tag an restaurant as 'Italian Food Heaven'...


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