
by SamStephen • Uploaded: Sep. 29 '11


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Description: Surreal typeface I created.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 2047

Lets Discuss

megashred13 Sep. 30 '11

This is amazing! Have you ever been to http://blog.iso50.com/? This work kind of goes hand in hand with some of the design and culture that is celebrated there...**Is the background behind your logo vector based as well?

Sam Stephen Sep. 30 '11

actually that is a photograph of the sky with a long shutter speed and medium aperture on a tripod. i spun it around facing directly upwards. however i think it would be a good idea now that u mention it to make it vector, which would be easy to do.

Sam Stephen Sep. 30 '11

Yeah man, i'll upload the typeface itself for ya!


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