Blake Livingstone

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Sep. 22 '09


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Description: An incredible charcoal artist and a good friend of mine. Website coming soon.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4779

Lets Discuss

MomentumMagazine Sep. 22 '09

How about something like %22this%22: or %22this one?%22: I'm sure you have done them already, but just throwing them out there.

logoboom Sep. 30 '09

Nice monogram my man.

OcularInk Oct. 01 '09

Thanks Joe. I saw your posts. Always feel free to email me with your ideas. Also, thanks Glen. You da' man!

epsilon Dec. 16 '09

The site layout, design elements even the menu content are liberally borrowed from dache's site. The %22I am available .. Get a quote%22 is simply a copy. So much talent, creativity and integrity... way to enter the profession.

JoePrince Dec. 16 '09

Wow you're right AP. What happens from here now?

OcularInk Dec. 16 '09

Yikes is right, Joe. Dude better look out, cause I'm coming. My initial email has been sent. I'll keep you guys in the loop. Good eye, Alex. That strengthens the case. :-)

JF Dec. 16 '09

Went to the site, and their logo is disabled....looks like someone is taking this seriously there, hopefully.%0D*

epsilon Dec. 16 '09

Nope, the whole thing is still up, logo and all.

JF Dec. 16 '09

I checked again, and now it's up there. Did they modify it? Is it different than before?

helvetic brands Dec. 17 '09

Thanks for the heads up guys, the situation will hopefully be taken care of swiftly.

OcularInk Dec. 17 '09

Thanks again for all the support. Adrian of sent me an email this morning resolving the issue of the logo. The email was very professional and handled well.**@ helvetic brands : Thanks for your help, David.*@ absoludicrous : HAHA! I guess we've all had logos get stuck in our subconscious.


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