Kayako v1

by Logomotive • Uploaded: Dec. 21 '09 - Gallerized: Dec. '09


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Description: Kayako proposed logo,.. custom type. Bone yard material, too techy :)
As seen on: www.logomotive.net
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 11109

Lets Discuss

chirp Dec. 21 '09

Great work on the lettering!

logomotive Dec. 21 '09

Thanks chirp, I used the same shapes to create and ending @ centerline but came out too techy or looks like foreign letters in which I think the name kayako sounds but.. gotta get it right.

sdijock Dec. 21 '09

Really, really nice.

logomotive Dec. 21 '09

Thanks Siah and Steve.

ethereal Dec. 21 '09

Excellent, nice type.

brandsimplicity Dec. 21 '09

That looks totally insane...kudos!

rudy hurtado Dec. 21 '09

Couldn't afford full 'a's Mike? :) Nice type, seriously!

Type08 Dec. 21 '09

'The importance of being Earnest'... I've noticed that LOGOholik also worked on this and LOGOmotive got the gig, so... %3B) Good job here, Mike!

JF Dec. 22 '09

So, what does this company do? Are they Japanese at all? This would work great for an asian company. Amazing look to it.

logomotive Dec. 22 '09

Thanks ya'll.*@ Rudy ha yeah in fact a's stolen from k then flipped for y only o and k here %3Ddiscount logo %3B)*@ Type, yeah many times two designers are working on clients stuff. Happens a lot. Better than logo contests though.**@ JF I agree bummer it is not for A company from japan. This is them www.kayako.com

chirp Dec. 22 '09

Of the three logos you uploaded, I find this one most compelling. It sort of dares you to not look at it. It's probably the least friendly of them, but the most memorable. So I'm saying I like this best.

raja Dec. 22 '09

Mike, how you getting along with this guy? (kayako)

logomotive Dec. 22 '09

Im with you chirp, kinda bummed cause I liked it but it's gotta %22fit%22 the biz.**Raja, just started but is great so far.

mabu Dec. 24 '09

Mike, this one is fantastic.

logomotive Dec. 26 '09

Hey thanks a lot guys, hope ya all had a Merry Christmas. Back to work now I guess. %3B)

cseven Dec. 28 '09

This would be my pick of the three - not too techy at all : )

logomotive Jan. 04 '10

Thanks Chris, it was mine also but understand the clients needs, look and feel.

wilsonink Jan. 04 '10

i like the type you've made! %3B) nice work.


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