AU logo

by Logomotive • Uploaded: May. 15 '09 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: Artists United AU logo.
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Viewed: 31194

Lets Discuss

chrisrojo May. 15 '09

simple but clever, nice!!

logotivity May. 16 '09

dude, seriously make a ugly logo for a change.. :)

cseven May. 16 '09

So good. Can I design like you when I grow up : )

logomotive May. 16 '09

Thanks guys, and I have plenty of ugly logos too %3D)

logomotive May. 16 '09 pretty Ugly man. No serious,.. ones where I wanted to tell the client OK that's what you want?,.. but umm. probably will never see the day of light in my showcase %3D) oh and lotts a mediocre designs.

eman May. 16 '09

ha..clever' %3B)..great job budy

patentico May. 16 '09

serious one, nice job!

logomotive May. 16 '09

%5E Thanks eman and patentico.

janzabransky May. 16 '09

Clear messsage in this. Love its minimalistics.

kosta May. 19 '09

Good one, Mike (as usual).**One thought... Could the pen still be clearly recognizable if A and U weren't joined? Seems to me that it would be a more subtle way.**

logomotive Jun. 09 '09

Thanks Kosta, I had it both ways and worked both ways, but juts thought it strengthened the United aspect that's all and could be used separately.

logoholik Aug. 04 '09

Hmm... united artists - that sounds familiar :) nice design Mike.

logomotive Jul. 21 '10

%5E:) ASK GLEN? Thanks bro.

logomotive Aug. 18 '11

And it never ends. I have 2 on here. I see others that were directly ripped.

nathantrafford Aug. 18 '11

What the hell?! Sometimes I just wonder what they were thinking. It's kinda funny you can tell which logos they probably did design themselves... lovin that huge reflection on the (not so) Subtle Labs logo...

ColinTierney Aug. 18 '11

that is effing sad news. just got done reading articles on the whole logogarden matter.

nathantrafford Aug. 18 '11

how did i not even notice THEIR logo?! hahaha!!! incredible. It would be funny if it were a joke. Someone call Steve Jobs

atomicvibe Aug. 18 '11

@Mike, Nathan, %26 Colin re: logo ripoff sites %26 ZOMG DIY AND SAVE HUNDREDS logo design sites:**Wow, what a dripping wetbag of douchiness! Look at the scrolling logos on the CrapApple site. Apparently they also designed the Siemens logo AND the Nivea logo. THOSE D00DS R GUD @ DESIGNERING!!! LOLOMGWTFBBQ111!

atomicvibe Aug. 18 '11

This one (from logogarden) ROCKS:***I think I've found my new visual identity.

logomotive Aug. 19 '11

%5E LOL*%5E%5EI'd say that The APPLE LOGO is a pretty big rip too.

orca design Aug. 20 '11

Beautiful simplicity but so effective. Consistent work as always! Shame about these rip-off artists, I too found some of my work on another ȁCdesigners%22 online portfolio. How do they expect to replicate it when they dont even possess the basic skills? Their poor clients!

dannygdammit Aug. 20 '11

do you guys not find these rip off artists as frustrating as I do? could you potentially sue over something like this? someone should start a blog of all these rip off artists and link to their site. If they have analytics they'll see where it's coming from and hopefully feel ashamed..

logomotive Aug. 20 '11

Thanks guys.*Orca and Danny, yes been frustrating for years but unless we artists continue to battle together they will keep on doing it. Steven does a pretty good job of doing this on his blog and Antispec .*I think there could be a good blog JUST for this purpose however.

neilan Aug. 21 '11

simple, clever really like it

milou Aug. 21 '11

I can see art, I can see united. Nice work big Mike.

mosti Aug. 21 '11

Nice Contact %3C3

Atomicvibe Aug. 21 '11

Technically, we absolutely have the right to sue over copyright infringement. But that involves money, lawyers, and time, and that's why most artists don't even bother with it. But, the first step would be to send the offending party an official Cease and Desist letter, in which you provide proof (copy of the work, date completed, URL of client's website if the logo is in use, etc.) of derivative, or flat out plagiarized copyrighted work, and express that noncompliance will be met with full legal action. Give them time to comply, like 30 days, or something. Sometimes, this is enough to scare these bastards into compliance, and you will have won a sma battle cheaply. Unfortunately, there are some thick-skulled, defiant dullards out there who will do nothing, at which point you'd be looking at getting a copyright attorney involved. The good news is that copyright infringement cases are relatively easy to prove, and chances of winning your case are pretty high.**At any rate, if you really wanna bring an end to all this crap, you've gotta be prepared to take action.

hanuman shakti Aug. 21 '11

brilliant it!

gilevad Aug. 22 '11

Oh... Very good idea.

jenn Sep. 04 '13

This is brilliant!


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