Helping Hands

by JayKay • Uploaded: Feb. 19 '08


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Description: Constest Entry for Helping Hands, a community donor program...
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Lets Discuss

JayKay Feb. 19 '08

Yeah I thought this concept might have been used somewhere before, I couldn't find anything similar on any logo sites though.**Didn't consider the good old Google Image Search!*

gstaltig Feb. 19 '08

Aren't the fingers of the white hand a little to short?

Lawrence Anderson Feb. 19 '08

It does look nice, and it works here. But, it is a concept that has been done before.

OcularInk Feb. 19 '08

I agree with the others. You've done a nice job creating this logo, but I'm sure your creative mind can come up with a great and unique solution. :-)

steve-oc Feb. 19 '08

I'm surprised this is coming up in the favourites considering it's immediately recognisable as having been done before.*

JayKay Feb. 19 '08

I understand the concept has been done before. But bare with me, as I am relatively new to logo design and dont have the experience and/or knowledge of what concepts have been done before and what concepts haven't that most of you guys have. My background is in web design and css/xhtml coding.**Does anyone know of a good resource (along with logopond) which offers users the chance to just look through many different logos? Could be really helpful to me! Or any tips on when you've thought of a concept, finding out if it has been done before?

shaneg Feb. 19 '08

I think it is different enough. Sure it has been done before, but it still works. The concept is the same but the execution is different. I mean if we are really going to get on the concept train here, then look how many logos have leafs or trees, which are basically the same concept and idea, just executed in a million different ways.**I think this logo is looking good.

actiondesigner Feb. 19 '08

I guess if you have a passion for logodesign, you buy all the books you can come across ...scan through them on a daily basis. You really dont need all that much resources to make a good logo. Logos can be divided into different categories based on how they are solved. This has much to do with the client but also different philosohpy amongst designers. Some say that a logo solved typograhical has a larger impact than the occational mark or symbol. In the end it all boils down to what you are designing and the purpouse of the design. I don't want to debate on this. What Im saying is that you should spend just as much time on typography ...not only watch logos after logos. Once you understand typography, you are more equiped to make a good brand. Logobooks are good for you to widen your horizon as to what is possible. **When it comes to concepts, you dont have a guaranty that it hasnt been done before. A good rule is that most concepts have been done before. And the most obviouse solutions are. There is a huge difference between making a logo with a concept that turns out that someone else has done before than to rip of another logo and claiming it as your own. The clients name and business should in itself be enough to make it unique. Then if its done before ...well great minds think alike. Just make sure to execute it better. **

actiondesigner Feb. 19 '08

@shaneg.*No No. No- these logos have the exact same concept and same execution. This has just a different illustration style. Thats whats telling these two appart. If the logo was two people walking down the street holding hands and the shape of the people or arms formed a heart ...thats a different execution ...but still the same concept. If the two hands took shape of something other than a heart ...but with the same values ...thats a different execution. **If I was to make a logo based on the concept of movement. there are thousands of ways to execute this. It can be done typographically or with a mark ...or both.**

JayKay Feb. 19 '08

shaneg: Thanks!**actiondesigner: Cheers, good idea with the books, any recommendations? And do you know any good places to learn more about typography?**This is certainly a case of the concept turning out to be the same as another... like I said I have limited experience with different logos other than what I have seen in the physical world (online is real too!). I tend to draw all of my logos out on paper first, playing with different ideas and such. Generally the first concept I come up with is the one I go onto create, especially for contests where time is a luxury I can't really afford... Perhaps I should begin to delve deeper with the ol' pen and paper and explore further ideas... as I suppose, like you said, the first (and most obvious) idea has almost certainly been done at least once before.**Thanks for the advice.

actiondesigner Feb. 19 '08

There are tons of books on logos. I think Los Logos series from Die Gestalten verlag is a good resource. There are 3 (soon to be 4) in the series. I would say that the first (los logos) is the best, and tres logos (since I have contributed to that book%3B-)) The good thing with these books is the good mix of good corporate and far fetched design. Many people dont like these books. Too much for some. It has a lot of type experimentation. Good visual fuel. I dont really know whats best. I really like to have an indepth look at how a logo is taking shape. Are you branding or rebranding. Designing or redesigning a logo for instance.**I really like the books that has a good mix of typography and executions on different levels. Books like Typography %23%23 from the type directors annual are really good books. **Big design agencies are in it for the branding. Like for instance. **Also check out Look up some books on design or typography. Just explore. There are some preview shots of some of the pages.

KGB Jan. 19 '10

your logo is featured on

yellowphant Aug. 13 '10

This logo concept was originally published in LogoLounge 5.*It was designed for a Utah-based non-profit, 'Amigos de Honduras' which organizes an annual service project partnership with the people of Honduras for which Americans provide funding and expertise while Hondurians provide physical labor to complete various projects for their remote villages such as fresh water systems, schools, health clinics etc.**Since then, various 'copycats' have been seen elsewhere including a couple on logopond:***See the original here:****


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