by JayKay • Uploaded: Feb. 17 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08
Current project I'm working on, aiming for a friendly/approacha
ble, but professional feel.
As seen on:
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
I dig it. Has a nice classic feel while still being creative and fresh.
Replyvery nice jaykay. I think you could make the shapes of the B and P a little more mathematical in nature to push the pipe idea a bit. I would also make the comma the same lighter face as Inc.
ReplyHmm, not sure what you mean by mathematical? You're correct about the comma weight, my bad!
Replymost pipes are sold in right angles, 45s and 180s like a trap. You know, more pieced together. just a thought.
ReplyCopper pipes can be bent - maybe if you change the mark colour to a copper/orange/brown scheme it would come across more as copper pipes ...
ReplyI feel like the logo will loose it's %22family%22 feel if it becomes too angular.
Replyits a B its a P its plumbing its perfect
ReplyA copper / browns color scheme may be a lovely touch, maybe giving it an older / more established family feel.
ReplyI like the copper/brown ideas! I'll play around with that.**I did try making the pipes a bit more angular, with corner sections and what-not, but it seemed to become a bit too prickly and unfriendly.
ReplyHard angles will definitely stiffen up the vibe. The only thing not working is that open space in the bottom part of the %22B.%22 Keep the color. No need to be literal.
ReplyIf you're aiming for friendly/approachable you've nailed it with the font choice and rounded corners in the mark. If you're aiming for professional, the color scheme definitely reflects that. I say keep everything as it...a winner.
ReplyHere's the logo in a more brown/coppery theme. I'm interested to know what people think!
ReplyI liked it before.
ReplyVery nice work! but what about using the connection parts for the corners, you probably tried it, just an idea. its nice as is anyway
Replyi like the blue color scheme better.
ReplyI agree with Josh, the blue scheme was better%3B I associate brown with old %26 rusty, blue with new, working, professional, etc...**Awesome work all the same :)
ReplyHeh, it doesn't matter, the client has got back to me and asked for a completely new colour scheme and typeface -.- !
ReplyI was sort of surprised to see this logo on the logopond frontpage. Don't get me wrong, the concept is good. But the design just doesn't do it for me at all.**It seems very fragile and contradictory. The comicly overscaled start and finish of the pipe and very unlikely 'pipe' bends break the initial concept.**Also I'd agree with your client on changing the colour scheme. Thoug I think you don't need to change it much, just the colour of the logo and year in some other colour to get it out of this brownish, old 'n dusty mood. Have you tried some light blue tint? I understand u wanted to go for this brownish to refer to copper pipes, but the light blue might bring a metallic feel to it.**I'm curious into why your client doesn't feel happy with your choice of typeface, which seems fine to me.**Good luck!*
ReplyFunny you should comment on the %22comically oversized%22 pipe ends, as this is actually something the client has asked to be enlarged further on two revisions!**The logo was based on a blue colour scheme originally, which I will re-upload as I think I preferred it also. But it wont be the colour scheme of choice as the client %22doesn't like the colour blue%22. - A shame!
Reply%22doesn't like the colour blue%22 I just hate it when they say that. He could have very well still fallen in love with some usage of blue.**Why some people have to be so black %26 white %3B-)
Reply%22doesn't like the colour blue%22 I just hate it when they say that.**Me too. While I understand the client has an opinion, it shouldn't matter whether or not he likes the color blue. What matters is if those are the right colors for the project/company. Will they ever get it? :-P
ReplyHehe, good to know others share my anguish! :-)
Replyoh we can all share in your client-designer anguish.
Replyreally nice idea %26 execution, i hope their plumbing is as good as their logo.
ReplyHaving seen the blue %26 copper versions, I think you're right that the blue scheme is better. What colour did the client go with in the end?
ReplyI'm still awaiting a confirmation on the colours. The mark undertook some rather drastic changes... client requested pipes coming out of the two largest vertical pipes... I felt it really unbalanced the logo but they liked it. The font has also been changed. **... Ah well!
ReplyThose crazy clients ... everyone's a designer
ReplyGod that's sexy!
ReplyI wonder how did this one end...
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