His Hope Uganda

by ryantoyota • Uploaded: Mar. 22 '09


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Description: Logo for an orphanage in Uganda.
As seen on: hishope.org
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10000

Lets Discuss

ryantoyota Mar. 22 '09

So the client decided to go forward with this combination of the logo. The name was changed as they found out there are many other organizations and orphanages named %22His Hands.%22

mentelibre1 Mar. 25 '09

muy bueno, el coraz%F3n esta implicito, me agrada

sdijock Mar. 25 '09

@ryantoyota - no offense, but shaking hands in the shape of a heart has been done to death in clip-art.

ryantoyota Mar. 29 '09

Thanks mentelibre.**sdijock, yes, there were one or two other comments along those lines posted on the in-progress versions. Perhaps it's because I never use clipart, but I hadn't seen this concept until I did some searches after sketching it out. Even then, I could find many images of hands forming a heart, but only one or two of two shaking hands forming a heart in this way, and even those looked a ways off of what I have here.**Coming up with a completely original concept nowadays is pretty rare. I realize this isn't original, but I'm hoping it's unique enough in the intended market that it can work.

yellowphant Aug. 13 '10

This logo concept was originally published in LogoLounge 5.*It was designed for a Utah-based non-profit, 'Amigos de Honduras' which organizes an annual service project partnership with the people of Honduras for which Americans provide funding and expertise while Hondurians provide physical labor to complete various projects for their remote villages such as fresh water systems, schools, health clinics etc.**Since then, various 'copycats' have been seen elsewhere including a couple on logopond:*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/25343**See the original here:*http://www.andreweclark.com/Magic_Screen/Logos.html%2311**@sdijock - Show us with links where this concept has been done to death. (Prior to 2008)


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