inovaz (TM)

by HelveticBrands • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '08 - Gallerized: Jul. '08


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Description: inovaz is a vibrant and young web development company based in Mexico. They embrace new technologies and evolve with them. When inovaz contacted me for their new visual identity in the early stages of the project, it was clear that they required a contemporary identity. Inovation is creation and this was one of the focal points of this project, with each new layer showing a new evolutionary phase of innovation and growth. My idea came from looking at a set of books that were stacked on top of each other, and seeing beautiful shapes from the overlapping corners.
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 17378

Lets Discuss

sandhya Jul. 01 '08

the colors are rich and vibrant, much like the mexican handmade rugs like these -***Striking!

dache Jul. 01 '08

Hey sandyha, thanks for the comment and that link, really unique set of tones right there.

KGB Jul. 02 '08

the i in the logotype looks a too tall.

nido Jul. 02 '08

i have a rug just like the 3rd one in the link!!!... thought you should all know that.

OcularInk Jul. 02 '08

I love how vivid the colors are. The type is nice too. Regarding what Brian (KGB) said, the 'I' might be just a hair to tall. Typically, the curves on your 'N', 'O', and 'A' would be slightly taller than the 'I'. Did you try matching the 'I' to the height of the 'V' and 'Z'? Even so, we're just being nit-picky. Most people would never even notice. Good work, dude. :-)

dache Jul. 02 '08

Thanks very much for the comments guys. Nicely observed Brian and Kevin, thanks. I've spent the last couple of minutes trying to upload a version with the shorter 'i', I cant really tell a differance when its up here. I updated the version on my site, looks well improved. Thanks for the constructive crits and support!

koodoz Jul. 03 '08

Nice dache. You seem to favour multiple colours in your logos which all look fantastic, but what do you do when the client wants it printed across a range of products? That many colours printed in process must give you some grief??

Art Machine Jul. 03 '08

Too busy for my taste but outstanding nonetheless.

dache Jul. 03 '08

Hey David, yes Ive tried changing the file name a couple of times and then uploading. I will try again later on after a proper reboot. Thanks very much for placing this in the gallery.**Marc, thanks for your comments. I can understand where you are coming from as the image above has multiple colors. It is the online version of the logo which is fitting as this is uploaded to a site. There is never any grief at all in the printing process as all of my visual identities exist in versions which are print friendly. It is a question of planning in the creative process. I am going to write a bit more on this topic on the %22dacheboard%22: in a few days.**Thanks again

koodoz Jul. 03 '08

*grins* - thanks for that David

Flant Jul. 06 '08

you nailed it Climax...:)

yurko Jul. 18 '08

almost all of your logos are great! nice work

helvetic brands Apr. 23 '10

I am pleased to say this logo will be featured in LogoLounge 6.

Type08 Apr. 23 '10

Gratz David, I think this is one of your best logos (and very underrated here).

S.vanElderen Aug. 23 '10

This in one of my favourites at all times.

helvetic brands Sep. 23 '10

Thanks for the comments guys. **I wish there was way to deal with the spammers on our own content like other communities allow.

firebrand Sep. 23 '10

These spammers are using really sly tactics. It's getting beyond a joke now and is making Logopond look unprofessional.

pierro Sep. 23 '10

Activity registered users and it should be more attention.

Prove Apr. 18 '12

This is an outstanding logo dache, I love it. So vibrant.


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