Jacobs & Sons Carrots

by HayesImage • Uploaded: Feb. 11 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '08


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Description: A family farm which have a large distribution of organically grown carrots to local grocers & markets.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 17682

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Feb. 11 '08

Everybody likes carrot...

onesummer Feb. 11 '08

love the idea. I wonder what it would look like if you extend the carrots out to be the full thing? too much maybe? feels like it's missing something is all...

Hayes Image Feb. 11 '08

yeah, yeah I see what you're getting at...%26 for a large part I don't disagree...But they were very stubborn, %26 they they wanted something quick, which led us to this...they were great guys but they didn't know much about design at all...so it had to be obvious...

AdamO Feb. 11 '08

Like it a lot. Clean, readable and simple. Neat.

leighton_hubbell Feb. 11 '08

This is perfect the way it is. Why does it seem like everyone always needs the whole story completely spelled out? The fact that the carrots are implied is what's great about the design. Don't change a thing.

OcularInk Feb. 11 '08

I agree with leighton. You've captured an interesting effect the way it is. The carrots appear to be growing out of the ground. The way you purposely nudged the 'O's down and cut them the way you did is very clever IMO. The only thing I might have done differently is used just one of the carrots within the logo (maybe only on the word Carrots). But even so, it's a neat concept.

Hayes Image Feb. 11 '08

Cool, thanks guys :)

Hayes Image Feb. 11 '08

%22Why does it seem like everyone always needs the whole story completely spelled out?%22**Very good point Leighton :)

werthless Feb. 12 '08

Just one comment. What if you remove the one Carrot in the name %22Carrots%22. I think it might be fun to see the carrots as you read the name and when you get to the word %22Carrots%22 it is normal... OR even a progression of growth from left to right with the carrot coming up more as you read across. Just a thought. Love it though.

Hayes Image Feb. 12 '08

I appreciate the thought Werthless :) but this is a fairly old job that has long since been completed, so I've simply placed it on the pond for nostalgic purposes :)

logomotive Feb. 12 '08

Hayes, why don't you try to add a bunny rabbit hopping and eating carrots, LOL! kidding. it's perfect bro.

Hayes Image Feb. 12 '08

hahaha :P Cheers Mike...

Hayes Image Feb. 14 '08

I'm doing the gallery spot dance...

drewboy Feb. 14 '08

Congratulations young man! I like it, but I think that Kevin's suggestion of using just one 'carrot' would have been good... the concept is great though.

onesummer Feb. 14 '08

i don't disagree with leighton's point at all. while i understand why it was done, the cut off o's still bug the crap out of me. i'm sure it's just me. so don't listen to me %3B)

ahab Feb. 14 '08

This is Freakin adorable. Nice one.

Lawrence Anderson Feb. 14 '08

I would prefer it with just one carrot, but it's still a nice concept.

Hayes Image Feb. 14 '08

Cheers guys :)**@Lawrence %26 Onesummer%3B I can't please everyone at once %3B-)

bbx Feb. 14 '08

It's well thought. Don't change a thing! The fact that the carrots are half buried makes the 3 %22o%22 really fun.

onesummer Feb. 15 '08

@Hayes, it wouldn't be as cool if everyone loved it %3B)

raja Feb. 15 '08

This logo makes me feel like a hungry rabbit

Hayes Image Feb. 15 '08

hahaha thanks guys :)

Hayes Image Feb. 16 '08

I appreciate the concern but, this Jacobs %26 Sons logo is nearly 3 years old...**So if anything, the roaring mouse looks like mine :P

moebiusdave Apr. 16 '08

i love that the carrots are only partially visible. makes the logo that much simpler (and nicer).

BigAl67 Jun. 26 '08

Great work - and love the fact that you used a classic font like Gill Sans. The best ideas are usually the simple ones.

Type08 Sep. 26 '08

Yep, very nice...

designabot Aug. 15 '09

implied carrots are the way! lovely stuff

Hayes Image Jun. 24 '10

Could've sworn I replied to your comment Rich...??...Oh well, belated thanks bud :)**Thanks James :)**Carrots are very good for the eyes...so all you design students eat up!!

Linema Jan. 04 '17

That's a so good idea! And good font choice :)


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