Market Intel Consulting

by DeanMaschine • Uploaded: Mar. 28 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: First comp. Logo design for small, washington dc based consulting firm. Combines the M and I to form a shield shape.
Status: For sale
Viewed: 14,029

Lets Discuss

kriecheque Mar. 28 '08

I just played around with a stroke around the shield, but didn't really find anything i liked.%0D*%0D*What exactly don't you like about the kerning? I often struggle with kerning so comments are always helpful.

joker66 Mar. 28 '08

i really like this concept and colors..very well done work! best!

kriecheque Mar. 28 '08

I got rid of the all-caps letters...seemed a bit too much before. I also reduced the kerning on %22consulting%22. Thanks for the comments!

OcularInk Mar. 31 '08

Looking good, kriecheque. Nice work.

OcularInk Apr. 07 '08

Have you tried a bolder typeface. I think if you had a type that matched the heavy weight of the mark, this logo would be more effective. Even so, I still like what you've done.

kriecheque Apr. 08 '08

Thanks for the comments. I think you're prolly right Ocularink...unfortunately this version has already been approved.

lifesaverservant Apr. 08 '08

Nice use of shading in the mark. I like it.

uryoque May. 21 '08

great work! the %22M%22 fits perfectly..

kriando Dec. 18 '08

Very Good. Congrats!!!!

tass Jun. 02 '09

As Ocularink noticed, i think a bold font, sans serif one would give it a more impact on the textual part. I like thou the symbol, and it's an interesting final result. :)


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