by zephyr • Uploaded: Apr. 12 '10
Updated version of personal identity. Went with orange to keep some of the old brand equity. Expanded the bounding box to give the text a bit more room...
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Lets Discuss
%5EAgreed. Love it!
ReplyWow! You guys are quick!
ReplyI like it too...
ReplyAh, yes, this is more comfortable than the last one, nice job!
ReplyThat is hot Fred!! Superb work amigo.
ReplyLoving this type man!
Replyhey I lie this, type is very nice. Enclosure really suits it.
ReplyThis is very nice. It also lends itself to a stand-alone mark when needed. You could reduce the width of the enclosure to work with just the 'z' letter.
ReplyCheers Hombres! I'm liking the feel of this one a lot more than the previous versions... I can definitely relate to everyone who says your personal identity is the hardest to be satisfied with. **@Kevin - That's exactly what I'm thinking for the stand-alone mark. Happy you agree...
Replygreat identity mate
ReplyThanks Rich... new website is now in the works
ReplyNice work Fred!
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