by vld • Uploaded: Dec. 31 '07
Logo for a Health Insurance company.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Some about the i seems off...maybe if you flared the shoulders slightly.
ReplyI love it :D
ReplyHowever, the cross is TOO SMALL.*In a reduction that logo doesn't work.
ReplyI love it :D**However, the cross is TOO SMALL.*In a reduction that logo doesn't work.
ReplyI agree with ignari about the scalability issues. Even so, this is a nice concept. I don't see why the cross couldn't be a little exaggerated in size.
ReplyTnx for the comments.%0D*I agree that the cross could be a little biger.
Replyi like it, and nice showcase btw
ReplyTnx ndmgfx, I appreciate it! %3B)
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