duga-p 2

by vld • Uploaded: Dec. 31 '07


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Description: Logo for "duga-p", fast food. "duga" means RAINBOW, "P" is... well something that makes things more complicated for me :).
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4067

Lets Discuss

ahab Dec. 31 '07

There is some okay style here.**My concern is that I have no idea what kind of food they serve (not that that needs to stand out). This could be cool for an ice cream parlor but not necessarily work for a mexican restraunt. Your concepts are scattered and seem a bit incomplete. What's the direction? What's the idea? What are you trying to convey?

amboy00 Jan. 03 '08

I think this is the most fun of all three.

brankoj Apr. 05 '08

Definitely the most fun of all tree.. Love the font type!%0D*%0D*Did you draw it by yourself or..? If not, what's the name of the font?

vld Apr. 05 '08

Tnx for the comments.%0D*%0D*@brankoj: it's a BlackRose font.

nido Apr. 05 '08

I really like this!

brankoj Apr. 05 '08

Thanks for the reply man! Keep up the good work :)

lifesaverservant Apr. 08 '08

Me too I like this one the best out of the three. True-True what do they serve, logo does not say. But you can see that they serve food. Reminds me of the ice cream that would come in shapes (specifically sherbet) Hmmm!


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