Have you seen this logo ?

by victorbartis • Uploaded: Oct. 09 '12


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Description: ** Have you seen this logo ? Hey guys, I was doing this for me. I really like it, but I'm pretty sure I have seen it somewhere. I chose not to use it for now, becuase of this. So, my question is... where did I see it? I'm pretty sure one of you will tell me :) Thanks!
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 3319
Tags: visual identity eye

Lets Discuss

Rokac Oct. 12 '12

I like it too but I\'m rather sure that it was done before...

victor_bartis Oct. 13 '12

Thanks. I\'ll try to leave it aside.

victor_bartis May. 21 '13

nice link! right on spot! thanks


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