by victorbartis • Uploaded: Sep. 16 '11
Importer Exporter of (mostly) italian wines. The wines are either with tradition or reputation. The logo was a clear match for the brief, but unfortunatelly was kept but not used. Done in ~2008.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
ReplyDig the Mark and Papyrus is very fitting here, but kinda ruins the feel,largely due to it's over use.
ReplyOhhhh papyrus. I'm in the middle of recording a song right now about a girl who had papyrus on her shirt...**What i'd suggest here.. hand write the word Vinimondo, or find a really nice handwriting font (like jane austin) and give it the same textured feel as the mark.
Replyi knew you were going to say something about papyrus:) I know I would have. but it's one of my first logos, done in %7E2008, and once a job is finished I don't go back to changing it.. only if I agree with the client on this.**the suggestions of hand writing is good, and if it were today, that's what I would have done.**thanks for the feedback!
Replylove this style dude:)*
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