Ark Angel Investment

by tiko1232 • Uploaded: Oct. 17 '07


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Description: The initials A, R, and K are actually initials to the names of the founders. It's an investment company that seeks to develop the country. I chose the arc shape to show that there are 3 people founding this company and that's what an arc consists of; 3 points which without it woudn't be called an ark. The plant like calligraphy inside the arc was to demonstrate fruitful and healthy-growing investments. The Petroleum blue color was chosen to show richness and solidity, while I chose the green to further strengthen the fruitful, healthy-growing idea.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2883

Lets Discuss

sandhya Oct. 17 '07

Very elegant design. I like the way you have taken the time to explain your concept.

OcularInk Oct. 17 '07

Beautiful icon. I think the line between ARK ANGEL and investment is a distraction. Can you show another version without it and then move investment up?

tiko1232 Oct. 17 '07

@sandaya, thanx man, I hope it's convincing :) lol.%0D*%0D*@ocularink, I've tried it before I actually added the line :) I added the line cuz I felt it gave the logo a more enclosed shape.

amyblandford Oct. 17 '07

It's pretty, but this is another one where I don't understand avoiding the imagery that comes with the name. Not that everything always has to be a literal interpretation, but I think it helps to reinforce the name %26 name it more memorable. *No ark, no angel, no archangel.*To me, showing a literal %22arc%22 doesn't relate to the word %22ark%22 (or suggest 3 partners. 3 points makes a triangle).*It looks like half of a Pennsylvania-Dutch Hex symbol. so if they're developing in Amish country, maybe it works. (But shame on them.)*:-)

Thomas Oct. 18 '07

Nice mark... Don't really like the font treatment and/or the type for %22investment(s)%22 (not sure Trebuchet is %22the%22 right choice). I'm not also totally sure about the type colour, even if it could be found on the mark. I think a more subtle hue could be tried... I have also to agree with previous comments on %22the line%22... I think it's senseless. If you want to keep it, you could try to make it thiner... I really think some details could be changed to improve the global feeling and the subtleness of your logo, started by your great job on the mark (external stroke too large, the %22line%22, font treatment and/or too %22basic%22 font...).

tiko1232 Oct. 18 '07

@amy blandford : thanx for the comment :) you do have a point, but then again, tough brief and tough client :)%0D*%0D*@climaxdesigns : the line actually makes the whole logo as one unit. Which is one of the things I was tryin to achieve.%0D*%0D*@thomas : what typeface would you recommend and what color would you suggest ?

tiko1232 Oct. 18 '07

@climaxdesign, no it doesn't need an s cuz I mistyped the name :D lol. my mistake.

tdf Oct. 18 '07

It might help to add the names of the partners somewhere in the logo to help with the concept.

tiko1232 Oct. 18 '07

@tdf : I wouldn't suggest that for 2 reasons, first, their names are all long :D and second it'll be too crowded :) thanx for the comment tdf.

Thomas Oct. 18 '07

I think Optima or Optima Nova Regular, may be with the same coulour could be tried...

tiko1232 Oct. 18 '07

I'll give it a try thomas ... thanx for ur comment :)

kriecheque Aug. 10 '08

this is awesome! fantastic job

tiko1232 Aug. 14 '08

@kriecheque: Thanx alot man :) u gave me a morale boost!!

saawan Sep. 08 '08

The design used in this logo %22is found on iStockPhoto!%22: Donno whether it is legitimate to use it or not1

logoholik Sep. 08 '08

here we go again :)

tiko1232 Oct. 23 '08

@ saawan: wen u buy it, I think it is :) and I'm not gonna deny that I used elements from the vector file. It was one of the first logos I've done since I've started, and I didn't have much experience on how to create logos. Plus, it was a very fast job and I liked how it turned out to be. I'm not sayin it's original or that it's right, but I think I've put a bit of an effort in it, dunt u think? :) But hey, thanx for the comment %3B)

hindmarshdesign Oct. 23 '08

Yeah. The live paint tool is pretty hard work...%0D*Never the less, I hear what you're saying. Its just unfortunate for the client that anyone else can purchase that stock vector with the extended license, recolour and have something similar. Its very beautiful and I love the colours.

saawan Oct. 23 '08

I love this logo. That's why when I saw it on iStockphoto, I came back here. I agree with hindmarshdesign.*I just expressed my doubt and I'm not accusing! :) Btw, I like the color scheme of your logo.

tiko1232 Oct. 25 '08

@ hindmarshdesign: Thanx :) and I agree with you.*@ saawan: Thanx man, and dun't worry I didn't think you were accusing :) But I explained myself to clarify. I'm a great admirer of your work. Thanx for your comment saawan :)


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