Dubai Open 2008

by tiko1232 • Uploaded: Mar. 19 '08


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Description: Another Practice logo.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1907

Lets Discuss

sdijock Mar. 19 '08

You may want to consider a different color court as they're usually not lime-green. They're more the darker green that you have behind the type. Courts can also be blue or even a burgundy red. Given that, whatever color you choose, I think you need to carry it into the head of the racquet. It's looking like a solid raquet right now instead of strings. The overall composition is a little odd too - it feels like the raquet and ball are just floating in space. Sorry.

tiko1232 Mar. 22 '08

@ sdijock: Thanx alot for the comment, really :) Ofcourse, the logo is not done, I just wanted to post it and review the feedback so I can move on from there. And u're right in the color point, and actually the one in dubai is blue :) so I'm gonna keep this and make another one with the blue color :) thanx neways.**@ teight: First, thanx for ur comment :) This is the impression that I wanted to give by looking at the logo. Like u said, lookin at the racket, it does need to be illustrated better. But, thanx alot for the comment neways :)

gthobbs Mar. 22 '08

??? %22two things that are extremely difficult to put full color behind are bike tires, due to the spokes, and tennis rackets%22 ???**This isn't a photo. Just punch out the white in the middle oval and color the strings accordingly.

tiko1232 Mar. 23 '08

@ gthobbs: u do have a point, but, in this case it's a bit annoying. Anyways, I'm still working on it cuz I'm not completely satisfied with this logo. I feel somethin missing except I don't know wat. neways thanx for the comment :)


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