
by struve • Uploaded: Mar. 19 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '13


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Description: updated 1x
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 9115
Tags: chef food love heart

Lets Discuss

Paul Rand Mar. 19 '09

Nice colors and illustration.**It seems that SPAuLOVE should fit in the banner*without all the empty space above it.

theartistt Mar. 19 '09

either put the u down or put the cut out piece below instead of above.

struve Mar. 20 '09

i updated this, now i think it fills the space better vertically. thanks for the suggestions.

sdijock Mar. 20 '09

It's a definite improvement over the last version, but I still think your banner is way too deep for your type - the banner really overwhelms it and the type is looking a little lost in there. Reduce the overall banner height and you'll have a home-run.**The logo is really nice overall though.

struve Mar. 20 '09

@sdijock: i'm not disagreeing with you, but i really don't want the type to feel like it fills up the whole banner-- ya know, i want there to be plenty of space around the type so it doesn't feel cramped in there.%0D*i feel like if i make the banner smaller the type would feel cramped. %0D*%0D*i'd love to know if more people feel the same as you, then maybe i'll try it.%0D*%0D*thank you for your critique.

logoholik Mar. 20 '09

I think it is perfect now.

sdijock Mar. 20 '09

@struve - You have every right to disagree with me - it's your logo - you won't offend me. Don't ever feel that you need to apologize to anyone for having a different opinion about something that you've created (except for the client).**As previously stated, it's still a nice logo.

theartistt Mar. 20 '09

I have to agree that it is a little loosie goosie in there. you wouldn't have to remove very much of the height to improve it visually. tiny tweaks people!

struve Jul. 30 '10

thank you chad. you have a very nice portfolio btw.


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