John Jones_V3

by struve • Uploaded: May. 10 '10


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Description: more detailed plug and updated type
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1771
Tags: bolt negative space space negative

Lets Discuss

OcularInk May. 10 '10

Still really like this concept. Be careful with some of the type though. %22Since 1986%22 is very small and seems out of balance at the moment. I'd say you could bump up %22Electric Services%22 as well.

hypermind May. 11 '10

Very nice integration with the plug. I like the slight retro feel to it too. Good work :)

Lecart May. 11 '10

I like this a lot, but i don't think you need those 2 dots on the plug..

struve May. 11 '10

Thanks Ocular ...i am still playing with that type and i agree it could be bigger...updates to come....**thanks hyper and Lecart**I added the dots so to make sure the angle would be perceived correctly...but i'll try it without and see if it still works


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