by smartinup • Uploaded: May. 26 '11 - Gallerized: Oct. '11
Client needed a fun creative way to represent her laid back style for her New York Based Cake Company
Client work
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nice take in the peace symbol
ReplyBoy...I wish the name were Peace Of Cake*
Reply%5E thinking the same thing.
ReplyI like the nonlinear style - and that covers the clients wishes well.
ReplyI'm with Glen and Colin, the name would have been soooooo much better as %22Peace of Cake.%22 FWIW, does anyone actually say %22peace-out%22 anymore? That phrase is so '90s, and honestly, the '90s aren't a cool enough decade to be pulling inspiration from yet...if ever. Ah well. You did an excellent job with what you were given. We can't all...(wait for it)...have our cake and eat it, too.**I do have onnnnnnnnne nitpicky thing, though (and feel free to tell me to piss off): What you've illustrated is technically more of a three-dimensionalized Mercedes symbol than a peace symbol. Slight visual difference, I know, and perhaps many won't even notice or care. But there is a difference. However, considering your execution, I'm not sure there would even be a logical way of adding the missing vertical stroke, anyway.**All in all, I like what you've done, whether it's technically correct or not.
ReplyGreat 3d logo design :)
Reply%5E%5Ejon, you do raise a very good point re the Mercedes Benz/ peace sign comparison.
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