
by smartinup • Uploaded: Aug. 08 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: WIP inspired by Bic
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Lets Discuss

kaimere Aug. 08 '08

interesting .... the s may need a little bit more definition .... but love it *

kriecheque Aug. 08 '08

The S in the negative space seems a little too big compared to the rest of the type...I think the fish could be reduced a little too so if you just scaled the two of them it might even thing out a bit.%0D*%0D*Excellent illustration.%0D*%0D*Are gold fish edible?

sanjay patil Aug. 11 '08

Well done, I think it is inspired from Serene logo, that was created ‘s’ using spoon

OcularInk Aug. 12 '08

It's true, I hacked smartinup's computer.

firebrand Aug. 12 '08

I agree with all these comments. Congrats on the gallery spot, mate!

dariux Aug. 12 '08

Really artistic, maybe you can use a dark color of %22USHI%22 instead a light. Congratulations!!

camila_garay Aug. 12 '08

fully agree to all the positive comments.... respect

people search Aug. 12 '08

I love however the fish should be a tab bit smaller

cerise Aug. 12 '08

Amazing stuff, this is a fav

henry Aug. 13 '08

muy bien.........

kugelis Aug. 15 '08

no connection between S and USHI

empirefx Aug. 28 '08

really nice one :)

grilledcheese Sep. 05 '08

Haha, I love this concept. Maybe cause I love sushi :P but I love the fish. They are very pretty %3D)

Hayes Image Sep. 06 '08

I love the swirling shapes of the fish!

cake_sama Sep. 25 '08

awesome man, i just read sushi, then saw the first comment and realized...

phiky07 Oct. 13 '08

sick man..i agree that the 'S' could be more prominent but that was only after i read the first comment. i got it right away...

elmickeylozano Nov. 05 '08

Very nice achieved. Liked a lot!

dearshuvro Nov. 25 '08

awesome !!!!!!!!!!!

Tani EcoD Jan. 06 '09

very soft... i like it %3B)

zapfogldorf Jan. 08 '09

This really caught my eye.**I think the fish could be the %22S%22...

Paul Rand Mar. 11 '09

I opened up your portfolio and said %22wow%22.*This one caught my eye instantly.*The fish illustration is stylized nicely and using them to create the S in the negative space works well. I wanted to lower the top part of the S though, slightly.*The type is clean along with the orange color.

mabu Apr. 29 '09

I read is as Sushi before i even realized the trick. Awesome!

grigoriou Apr. 30 '09

i think the fish are too detailed and the connection to a letter S isnt strong enough for this to be considered successful.*the name implies that it will be used on signage after all, and thus should be readable even out of the corner of one's eye. I also am not crazy about the idea of eating goldfish. That said this is still a great illustration and concept just needs to be solidified and made more clear. in short its a great start to what could be a great logo.

sovereigns Dec. 16 '10

I love the use of the gold colour here and I think you have captured the movement of the fish perfectly. It could use a little more work to make it clearer that it is a letter S but as this point has already been raised all I can say is very well done.

mwalim Feb. 24 '11

I think the idea is great but like it has already been noted I think the fish are too prominent

logoboom Jun. 01 '11

eeek...when I think of sushi the last fish I want to see is Koi

BenBrown Jun. 07 '11

It really cool place! Few day ago I was there doing my %3Ca href%3D%22 hollering creek analysis%3C/a%3E.

Artgeko Oct. 27 '11

Interesting design of the logo and graphical realization of!

type and signs Oct. 27 '11

really good concept ... very nice illi !


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