
by slaterdesign • Uploaded: Feb. 15 '12 - Gallerized: Feb. '12


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Description: This went live today at: It was a honor to work on this project! I had a lot of fun! I have to thank @Edwin Tofslie for all the great feedback! The guy is a legend and it was truly a honor to work with him on this project. I have to say this was one my favorite projects yet! Please take a moment and check out the site and stay tuned!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10716

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Feb. 18 '12

great type work Nick !!! like it !!

balic Feb. 18 '12

Very nice, Congrats on this great project!*The site is not active yet, I'm curious, this is going to be some social network?

JF Feb. 19 '12

I hate to sound negative about something that has an appeal such as this...but the connecting line between the %22p%22 and %22g%22 doesn't look polished. Looks like...sorry to say this, but it looks awkward. The natural %22flow%22 of cursive/handwriting/script just is broken with the manner in which they connect. Nobody's handwriting connects letters as they've been connected here%3B the rest of the letters connect naturally, and the %22p%22 and %22g%22 here do not. Sorry, it was bothering me, when the rest of the letters look so nice.


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