Vittas (2005)

by sebastiany • Uploaded: Oct. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08


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Description: Vittas is a health care company
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12006

Lets Discuss

ajgagnon Oct. 02 '08

Nice type treatment, love the lingature.

sebastiany Oct. 02 '08

No type treatment.... we realy draw it!

sebastiany Oct. 02 '08

this LOGO was published in LOGOLOUNGE 4

Matheus Oct. 02 '08

this one sure is classy, nice job

chng! Oct. 04 '08

this is beautiful, i dont see my self crafting a solution this gorgeus for this type of client

sebastiany Oct. 05 '08

Me neither 6 years ago... (and this logo is from 2005) Is just a matter of practice and hard study. %0D*%0D*Many logo designers focus their creations in symbols only (cose is easyer), or at most a font adaptation. Nothing wrong with that (we do it a lot) if this is the best strategic solution for a brand. %0D*%0D*But many times a logotype alone is the best solutions, and many designers dont want to handle the difficulties of that. The ability to work with logotypes is the main outstand ability that our team posses.%0D*%0D*I am sure if you practice you will be able to do so, or even better than us.

c4creative Oct. 09 '08

Love the simplicity and style of this logo. Just love it.

Digital-ink Oct. 10 '08

smooth look with beautiful curves a great brand for a health company congrats. %0D*%0D*nice one sebastiany

allecastro Oct. 10 '08


Unit B Oct. 10 '08

Very elegant design%3B evokes great warmth. Glad to see it will be in LL4.

nido Oct. 10 '08

beautiful sebastiany!

logomotive Oct. 10 '08

Great works sebastiany and Co., lil thing that draws my attention is the middle t. for some reason I want to see it brought up so ever slightly, seems a hair too low. keep up your awesome work...

ndmgfx Oct. 11 '08

i think you heard enough, but i have to say that this is one of the best type treatments i have ever seen, lovely.

sebastiany Oct. 12 '08

thanks all. I agree with you Logomotive. This is from 2005. Today I would also increase the thinner lines in the %22a%22 and %22s%22. Don't you agree?

logomotive Oct. 12 '08

I kind of like how it is now , perhaps I but guess that would be a personal taste. Again it's a real beauty and %22any logo can be improved%22 as said by the great Paul Rand. I don't think I have ever done a logo that I look at and say %22no need to improve%22.

fivesevensix Oct. 12 '08

absolutely beautiful!

raja Oct. 14 '08

love the balance and flow in this

kokolynee Oct. 15 '08

This is great. I can't believe your type is hand-drawn. Congrats, it's great

borinagge Oct. 15 '08

It feels so light, congrats!

bsehenuk Jul. 15 '09

This is beautiful.


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