Versove Adore V06

by sbj • Uploaded: Jul. 04 '10


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Description: Updated one.. for a new eye wear brand.. they want somthing elegent wid classic look with initials V & A.. any suggestions to improve.. old one is here
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2824

Lets Discuss

contrast8 Jul. 05 '10

realy love this logo sbj

sbj Jul. 05 '10

Thanks Deividas for comment n appreciation %26 also for breaking the silence..

myob Jul. 05 '10

Caught my attention right away. Beautiful peace. This typo matches better than the previous one :).

logomotive Jul. 05 '10

This is a really nice idea you have going on. I instantly see adore in symbol and the V and a. I'm loving it, but wonder if it could be perfected. It's well worth trying IMO. I think the a is falling back too much, maybe roll the curls %3C that way to help balance it out better. REALLY cool so far though.

logomotive Jul. 05 '10

The shadows might be conflicting and causing some of the off balance appearance??

sbj Jul. 05 '10

thanks myob n Mike .. yess agree wid u to make it more perfect n balanced.. shadows origins r different %26 done intentionally, i think due to them it looks lke this in its present avtaar.. becoz with correct physics its not looking good.. but if u feel it has potential with correct shadows.. i will sure work on it :)

logomotive Jul. 05 '10

sbj, I hope you don't mind my suggestion and link, but I did this . I took the JB into photoshop and selected just the solid white area (JB) and used/applied the bevel tool to see the right shadows and angles.I then redid it in vector. To me it looks like your doing something similar here because I see some slight beveled on convex angles? Hope that helps, if not looks good anyhow. :)

sbj Jul. 05 '10

i really mean ur suggestions n comment they worth lot to me.. i try this time ur way.. thanks thanks a lot for making me to do right :)

limeshot Jul. 05 '10

With logomotive on this one%3B just try rotating the %22a%22 a few degrees to the left. May make it a bit easier to see (but will close the space between the two arms of the V, so it's a trade-off). Still, it is very pretty and I doubt the consumers will fuss as much as we do about the position of the %22a%22 :)

sbj Jul. 05 '10

thanks limeshot.. yeah mike has a valid point %26 m working on it.. i think the A issue is also sum how valid but if i do more then it starts hurting over all look %26 feel..*thanks


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