by sbj • Uploaded: Apr. 22 '10
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Description: WIP. for a club.. Status: Work in progress Viewed: 2351 Share:
it has a nice feeling, and retro colors
thanks nadim for the appreciation...
Like :)
thanks for liking it frnd..
Nice one %3B)
thanks leo.. %3B)
Just because RUSH is one of my favorite bands I float it.*And because it looks really cool.
thanks rudy.. %3B)
This is nice. :%7D
m happy.. thanks
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it has a nice feeling, and retro colors
Replythanks nadim for the appreciation...
ReplyLike :)
Replythanks for liking it frnd..
ReplyNice one %3B)
Replythanks leo.. %3B)
ReplyJust because RUSH is one of my favorite bands I float it.*And because it looks really cool.
Replythanks rudy.. %3B)
ReplyThis is nice. :%7D
Replym happy.. thanks
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