by sbj • Uploaded: Jun. 16 '10
trying to merge human brain with tree branches n leaves..
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Nice stuff..Keep it up!
ReplyFYI: you spelled 'beautiful' with 2 L's in the design.
Replythanks vishme %26 jf..corrected..
Replysabby do u really need the tree trunks emerging out of the last l?
Replyno not exactly.. im doing it just to get the curve.. at other places its not getting exact curve as i want to do..*any suggestions..
ReplyAmazing illustration. I would suggest making the mark smaller, centering it above the type, and cutting out that awkward bit at the bottom. Good work here.
Replythanks Chad i will try to fix it :)
Replyand beautiful mark.....and also I agree with Chad Sanderson :) L O V E I T!
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