Connie Spencer Photography

by richardbaird • Uploaded: May. 05 '11 - Gallerized: May. '11


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Description: I did this earlier to help someone out over on Forrst, I have changed the name but the initials remain the same. Has anyone seen these initials combined this way? There are a whole bunch of photography logos floating around, just adding another to the mix. Logo-mark is made up of the company/photographers initials.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 8755

Lets Discuss

LadyGrey May. 05 '11

Not sure about colors, but simplicity %26 idea are clever)

liqzy May. 05 '11

My mates called Connor Spence %3BD , very nice though , i agree , not too fond on colours

richardbaird May. 05 '11

Thanks for your comments do anyone have any suggestions? Maybe just black and white?

liqzy May. 05 '11

mm , maybe a baige (spelt wrong%3C?) something that resembles photography , something simple.

lumavine May. 05 '11

Nice work. I wonder if the lens could be a bit more obvious. I am not too sure I would get that it is a camera without the word photography below. Great minimal concept!

milou May. 05 '11

Better colors, Richard. Looks better. I guess you can resign from the separation line.

liqzy May. 05 '11

Thanks for going with my advise , it looks alot more vintage , and alot more photography like'.

richardbaird May. 05 '11

Thanks the comments and help. I will definitely take a look at the lens, maybe a small highlight will do the trick?

richardbaird May. 05 '11

Milou, are you saying I should remove the line?

Quattro8 May. 09 '11

Not another photographers logo involving a camera shape and their initials.


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