Dyscovery Finance

by ricardobarroz • Uploaded: May. 29 '12 - Gallerized: May. '12


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Description: Final Result, Logo for Dyscovery Finance (Australia) The Logo is a fusion of the letter D with the letter F. Contact: ricardo@alcepixel.com twitter: @ricardobarroz
Status: Client work
Viewed: 16331
Tags: dyscovery F D australia

Lets Discuss

amaliatrocea May. 30 '12

It's really elegant, it gives you trust about the company...They had luck with such a logo.

ricardobarroz May. 30 '12

Thanks,@thearslan But, I think there are Totally different directions.... [Check]

Thanks, @ClimaxDesigns

brandingbros Jun. 08 '12

great work Ricardo..great mark there..V

Johnm Oct. 03 '12

I dunno I might be a novice but I can't stop drawing parallels of this logo with Airtel logo which is a multi billion telecom
Giant from Asia...

The shape and structure of the mark is pretty similar... Not to mention te color effect used... Apart from the little twist in the tail which symbolizes letter F the rest seems to be pretty similar to Airtel... If I was you it'd be my duty to bring your clients attention to Airtel logo and let him decide for himself... End of the day it's his company that might be at the receiving end

Johnm Oct. 03 '12

And mate please do not misunderstand me... This is not any accusation of plagiarism but merely pointing out the obvious similarity... Though one look at your folio it's obviously a big coincidence and nothing else! Love your other uploads! Some seriously awesome work there!

ricardobarroz Oct. 03 '12

Relax! I've been told that! I did not know the company aritel! :\

ricardobarroz Oct. 03 '12

i got the idea to do a F into a D as a discovery... and the company had precisely this combination of Orange with Grey :)


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