
by pausedsn • Uploaded: Aug. 10 '12


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Description: Week 24. With all these crazy temperatures this summer that went well over +35C, it seems like we've moved to the middle of Sahara! I can hardly remember that it was ever this hot, seems like the sun is toying with us. Are we witnessing a new climate change again?
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5093
Tags: simple sun fun design

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Aug. 10 '12

week 24? you doing a logo project ala wizemark? lets see it

pjmaster Aug. 10 '12

@David - Not the same as Wize, coz he worked logo per day. I do a logo per week.

@Alena - Yeah, just like that!

pjmaster Sep. 04 '12

You think so? Our opinions coincide in that case :)


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