by onesummer • Uploaded: Jan. 08 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08
Chicago Area Playcenters Association
Client work
Lets Discuss
i love the design! nice color and shape
Reply@ClimaxDesigns, your comments are right on. too many people get caught up thinking that every logo has to have a %22hidden%22 element, or some clever technique to be considered %22good%22. For this design, it made more sense for it to be obvious and not contain any hidden elements. The design had to appeal to kids no older than 7 or 8, be %22fun%22 and vibrant. Thus I went with a design that kids of that age group and younger could %22get%22...a kid-like drawn sun, a blue sky background and balloon looking letters. **here's some more background info from the client: %22...a non-profit association that promotes safety and integrity in the children's playcenters in Chicago. Only those area playcenters that demonstrate that they are safe, insured, look out for child abuse, screen potential employees, etc and who also pay member dues will be eligible to join. We are hoping it will steer consumers away from unsafe, uninsured playcenters and that those operators will either get with safety or get out of the business. Most,if not all the members cater to kids under 7 or 8 years of age.%22**I don't get why people anchor designs and yet leave no comments to explain why they did so. What's the point of doing that? That's definitely not constructive criticism, which I thought was one of the main points of this site.
ReplyI gotta say i totally agree with you climax... i did something 'fun' like this for a 'waterpark' %26 it was rejected cause it wasnt 'clever' enough... everybody wants a 'hidden arrow'.. boy would i like to hide an arrow somewhere with some of these people...**Anyway, i think this is perfect for its target %26 well done to you %26 your clients onesummer!
Replyi dont know a lot about programming but i wouldnt imagine this to be difficult... if a person wishes to 'down-vote' a logo hows about adding a feature thats makes it compulsory to add a comment saying why you wish to vote it down?...
Reply@nido, good suggestion, though then you may get a lot of worthless negative comments like %22it sucks%22, but at least their name will be to it, so you can call them out on it.
ReplyLOL. Back to -2, yet no constructive feedback or reasoning as to why they anchored the design. sometimes i wonder if people anchor just to anchor? kind of pathetic, I think.
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