The Disgruntled Clown

by onesummer • Uploaded: Feb. 12 '08


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Description: practice..
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2662

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Feb. 12 '08

Indeed. Very cool concept. The line effect coming off of the pie works well. One comment, if the weight of the letters in 'disgruntled' were equal, this might look better. Some of the letters in 'clown' might need a second look as well. Still, this is nice dude.

onesummer Feb. 14 '08

@Ink, as always, thanks for the suggestions. I redid the type. it actually may need a little more work, but we'll save that for when/if it's ever used anywhere %3B)

OcularInk Feb. 14 '08

No problem, one. You're a talented designer.

tdf Feb. 14 '08

MAde me laugh...I like it!


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