
by onesummer • Uploaded: Dec. 13 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: a concept for Zaizi Ltd. They are an independent professional software development and integration firm.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7001

Lets Discuss

Art Machine Dec. 13 '07

I really like what you've done here. This definitely has uniqueness and class. But I think the colored i dots on take away from that feeling. Besides that I would suggest scaling it down in the template. Anyway good work.

onesummer Dec. 13 '07

good suggestions. i made some adjustments and re uploaded. thanks.

admarcbart Dec. 13 '07

I think the type is what is ruining it for me. It distracts from the natural flow of the mark you have created here. Other than that very nice work.

OcularInk Dec. 13 '07

In addition to Bart's comment about the type, the execution of the icon could use some further development. Even so, this is great. However, with a little nit-picking this could be perfect. :-)

bpotstra Dec. 13 '07

Yeah, just a few tweaks on those beziers and you've got a stellar mark!

logomotive Dec. 13 '07

Sorry guys but IMO designing a logo is like designing a house and must have a strong foundation and framework and not just the exterior paint.. while this is pretty and all to me it is just %22fluff%22 .. I'm seeing these %22pretty logos%22 over and over Been there, done that. Oh yes it's AHH! and not bad but gets kind of lost with all the other %22pretty logos%22... OK jump my but now.. my 2 cents.

OcularInk Dec. 13 '07

@ logomotive: Interesting perspective.

TernaciousT Dec. 14 '07

Have to agree with Jeff. This is a pretty logo but it'd be 'nice' to see a stronger concept*, I see the 'Z' but not sure how its treatment says 'Independent professional software development and integration firm'. I'm not trying to say everything needs a 'Concept', (*I got a lot of grief from logoponder's before on another logo, when I said a logo needs a concept!) but at least you can try to make the icon treatment better in terms of bezier points. The icon, at the moment, looks like one of those badly constructed shapes you get in clip art. I like the text though!

logomotive Dec. 14 '07

@ Ternacious, BTW my name is Mike the %22AKA%22 logomotive.

TernaciousT Dec. 14 '07

Ha Ha Ha! I always do that! I apologise, you have the right to call me any name under the sun for the next 2 weeks! Obviously I got you mixed up with Jeff Fisher LogoMotives. Won't happen again!

logomotive Dec. 14 '07

@ TernASScious, %3Ckidding! yeah I figured that :-)

onesummer Dec. 14 '07

guys, thanks for the comments (both positive and negative -- only way I will get better). **@bpotstra, TernaciousT: I'm afriad bezier points are my achilles heel, so to speak, any suggestions/exercises for improving my skills in that area?**@logomotive/TernaciousT, I agree with you on the house analogy. I'm sure I could make up some some BS for its %22meaning%22 so that it would %22work%22 more, but, honestly, I was just experimenting and simply thought it turned out %22pretty%22 cool. I'd be interested in seeing some of these other %22pretty logos%22 that your sticking mine in with, though.

bpotstra Dec. 14 '07

If you want practice with using beziers, this is a cool little exercise:

gorz Apr. 03 '08

Very nice symbol %26 overall great logo!


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