by nido • Uploaded: Aug. 21 '07


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Description: for a medical clinic open to all, that promotes friendly relations and understanding between the Muslim community and the general public, and to disseminate information on Islamic principles... v3.. & last
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Lets Discuss

nido Aug. 24 '07

is it cause it dont look like a 'C' the way it is now?

nido Aug. 24 '07

hhhmmm... not bad... thanks :)

cobaltcow Aug. 25 '07

i think i prefer this to the 'moon' version. it feels more balanced.

OcularInk Aug. 25 '07

I'm liking this one too, Nav. Do you even need the green 'C'?

nido Aug. 26 '07

thanks guys... @Kevin... the green 'C' is the third 'C'.. do you think i dont need it? wouldnt it look like 'MC' then?.. plus the reason i had it green was cause the top two letters (goldish color) are what the building kinda looks like... the bottom 'C' in green represents the grass... outside the building... but i like climax idea... im waiting for the client to comeback now as ive submitted these now.. %26 then perhaps use his suggestion.. unless you got one too :)

OcularInk Aug. 26 '07

I dunno, just talkin...maybe the 'MC' can just stand for Medical Clinic. I mean, afterall, the icon is the medical clinic so I think that would make sense. I also think the negative space might create some new interest. Not sure if it'll even work. I just like to talk a lot. :-P

nido Aug. 26 '07

you sure do %3Bp

OcularInk Aug. 26 '07

Hey, they don't call you Doc Oc for nothin!! :-P

nido Aug. 26 '07

i thought that was from spider man?

OcularInk Sep. 01 '07

Indeed. With my extra arms, I can type real quick.


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