Vision Mortgages

by nido • Uploaded: Mar. 26 '08


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Description: Mortgages & Insurance Company... the overall shape represents the 'V' split into two 'M's for the plural in 'mortgages'... the mark itself is a depiction of a vision (yeah whatever!).. no but really.. the image flows upwards into roof tops... (look man.. if you dont shut up...)
As seen on: visionmortgages
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2593

Lets Discuss

gthobbs Mar. 26 '08

This is cool. I only saw the V. But I'm fine with that. Your inner dialogue is doing just fine.

firebrand Mar. 26 '08

Nice concept, nido. Would look great animated. Even the font has vision.

nido Mar. 30 '08

thanks fellas...


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