
by nido • Uploaded: Jan. 13 '08


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Description: A social networking website for English speakers living in Tokyo. Another version. Based on Japanese Technology/anime...
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2945

Lets Discuss

firebrand Jan. 13 '08

I like where this one's going, nido. Maybe more 'kidrobot' style... you know, big head small body.

Thomas Jan. 14 '08

Excellent design my friend. The robot is beautiful. I really like it. Personnal preference for the previous one, stronger and more symbolic for me. Very nice job on the font, The c's look great. May be the r could be slightly extended and kerning between T-o reduced...

nido Jan. 14 '08

@Hacker.. thanks bud%0D*%0D*@firebrand... thanks to you too.. to be honest ive never heard of 'kidrobot' but i like your suggestion %26 i think ill do that!%0D*%0D*@Thomas, merci!... will work on the font suggestions... thanks for pointing it out!

artboy Jan. 14 '08

Hey this is really good, I much prefer it to the purple one you did before. I'd argue with Thomas though I'm afraid, the C's look too much like G's, mostly just the lower case one. As he says though, T-O needs tightening but loving the mark!**What is the red bit on his face?

nido Jan. 14 '08

updated.. Thanks guys**@artboy.. the red bits a kinda cyclops eye.. %26 also a reference to the red sun on the Japanese flag.. cheers!

firebrand Jan. 15 '08

I think the robot's head looks a lot better mate.

prez4se Jan. 31 '08

I wish this robot wopuld be a game hero :)))

neogrey Jun. 25 '08

Good! What typeface you use for the lettering? Looks similar, but tweaked a bit?


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