ATH Sports Nutrition

by nickhood • Uploaded: Aug. 13 '12 - Gallerized: Aug. '12


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Description: The term "ATH" (short for Athlete) is used in recruiting circles to describe prospects who are physically and mentally tougher than their peers. ATH Sports Nutrition is a small company created by athletes to improve athletic peak performance. We use the latest research and technology to develop supplements designed for professional athletes that allow us to train harder and recover faster.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12225
Tags: hood nick black

Lets Discuss

abhishek4198 Aug. 15 '12

simple and elegant...

ColinTierney Aug. 15 '12

i always look forward to new work from you. is this the chosen concept?

nickhood Aug. 16 '12

Thanks guys. Yea, this is the chosen design by the client.

Atomicvibe Aug. 16 '12

Lookin' good, Nick! I'm a sucker for crest designs, especially with ribbons/scrolls, and this one definitely caught my eye. Very solid lockup. Really interesting and unexpected T-H combo, too. Nice work, man.

chanpion Aug. 16 '12

Awesome! Saw all the different variations you did to get here. Well done.

BuroBlauwBrug Aug. 17 '12

Great balance Nick, love it :)

cleber Aug. 28 '12

Strong and awesome.


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