by ndmgfx • Uploaded: Oct. 12 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08
event for achieving your dreams
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Well put together:) Nice!
Replythanks guys:)
ReplyThis is really nice!
ReplyWell done, Nadim. Congrats! :)
Replythx Muamer, i checked your showcase, very nice especially the black on yellow experiment :)*
ReplyBeautiful illustraction... But for me the font doesn't work so good... For me the letters are too near...
ReplyOverall, great concept. However, I would tweak two things:**1.) I would rearrange the stars so that they're not so symmetrical both in their size and the pattern.**2.) Enlarge the type slightly and kern it out more - it's way too tight.
Replythx for the detailed comments.
Replythis is very nice indeed!
ReplyLooks great just as it is.
ReplyNice solution!
ReplyI'm pleased to see this on the front page, Nadim.
ReplyI love the colour. Olive green seems to be a logo colour trend this year.
Replythx firebrand, me too
Replywhat a beautiful work, congrats!
Replywait a minute here... I thought everyone says that dreams don't growon trees? wait, no, that's money. okay nevermind.**very nice design!
Replygreat one
Replyits abslutely perferct and please do not open up the typface, it looks great the way it is. great job!
Replyinspiring... congrats!
ReplyOh wow...perfection! This logo stood out on a front page full of brilliant logos!
Replylooks good for me
ReplyNice tree to dream about...nice work
ReplyVery nice suff..
Replygreat idea ! and very nice work :)
Replydammit... just stumbled across Pity... this one seems better in execution tho... it happens to me all the time man...
Replythx for the link, i just checked it same concept but different direction. it happened to me before with a logo in my showcase now too (colorfull) and i found that pentagram did the same one before me :(**anyways maybe i should sell it to them :)*
ReplyBrilliant! The font goes great with this design.
Replyvery nice idea!
ReplyOK, I admit it I'm jealous.
ReplyI think i want to put this logo in my pocket so that i can pull it our and look at it anytime i want. Its so perfect.
ReplyVery nice! I'm also jealous as its one of those logo's
ReplyAbsolutely fantastic. I'm gonna check your showcase after this.
ReplyIt's Great! I love it.
ReplyThis is magnificent!
Replybeautiful man
Replybeautiful colours...!
Replythx guys
Replyone of my favourites, beautiful
ReplyThx TC
ReplyLooks very different, good work!
Replystill one of my favourites!
Replythx @srd, i like your logo too
ReplyI like this a LOT.**(Stands and applauds!)
Replythx guys, am really happy
ReplyWhat font did you use for this?
Replyvery beautiful:)
ReplyVery effective.
Replyi can't say enough how much i love this. just perfect
ReplyThis is absolutely beautiful.
ReplyYou should look at this link:
To me, this is blatant plagiarism. Your concept is clean beautiful.
Featured Here:
ReplyA Fascinating Collection of Star Logo Design
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