by nathantrafford • Uploaded: Sep. 30 '11
Just curious if people can figure this out without any context. I posted a different version of this earlier, so if you saw it and recognize this from it, please play nice and don't say! A COUPLE CLUES: it does not form a letter. It is off center for a reason, and will become centered once you see it.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Just curious if people can figure this out without any context. I posted a different version of this earlier, so if you saw it and recognize this from it, please play nice and don't say! A COUPLE CLUES: it does not form a letter. It is off center for a reason, and will become centered once you see it.
Replyi give.
Replyhmmm...all i see are two triangles.
ReplyFailed experiment %23 5174325! haha.****Maybe that'll help.
Reply**I guess I've been looking at photos of colorado too much recently... (sigh)
Replyi see more of a pyramid shape then i do a mountain top. maybe roughen up the edges to make them more jagged.
ReplyThe pyramid thing was my biggest concern. Just enjoyed how it was made out of two triangles. Maybe I'll make the tagline %22The logo is a mountain.%22
Replythat might clear things up.
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