Jolly Horseshoe

by myway999 • Uploaded: Aug. 18 '10


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Description: wip. another concept. feedback is welcome
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Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1949

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Aug. 18 '10

cool illy. jon burgeman would appreciate this.

milou Aug. 19 '10

I'm appreciating it too, something is here.

tass Aug. 19 '10

sorry but i see him ill or tired... the illustration is really nice, but maybe it's only my imagination

myway999 Aug. 19 '10

thanks Tony:p i love the way it looks and i will update with the final version a bit later**@Paul: thanks buddy...neah, Burgerman goes different, but his style is really awesome.**@milou: can't thank you enough, buddy:)**@slim: me too..**@tass: i will change the mouth and proportions after client's feedback - but you must admit he is funny:p

mfrank Aug. 19 '10

Lifting the head/neck up some would help with tass's comment. Looks great otherwise.

myway999 Aug. 19 '10

thanks frank:) i am considering your suggestion too.


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