Antwerp Water Works

by misterjones • Uploaded: Feb. 18 '08 - Gallerized: May. '08


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Description: logo for the Antwerp water disctribution company.
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 21348

Lets Discuss

jayred Feb. 19 '08

Great mark, but when I saw AWW, I immediately thought of %22aww%22 like that's so cute. I'd probably spell out AWW for that reason.

mister jones Feb. 19 '08

the first version had the word spelled out (antwerp water works) but client decided to use the aww instead, since most people use the abbreviation to adress the company (%22ah way way%22 in dutch). Also in dutch, the connotation of aww.. as in %22how cute%22 is not obvious at all, only in english.*The use of the letter %22A%22 is a recurrent theme in the communication of the city Antwerp, so this fits into it nicelt.*They have now started to use the mark without the word, since everyone immediately recognizes it, which i think is nice :)

admarcbart Feb. 19 '08

I would much rather see the blue on white version here. The depth you achieved in the waves is very very nice. But in the reverse version they are missing. Can you upload the other version of this for others to see?

mister jones Feb. 19 '08

thanks. I'll go and dig for the original version. In the mean time, you can wiki %22antwerp water works%22 for the blue on white version. I also did the stationary for them, which i will feature when i (finally) update my folio site.

admarcbart Feb. 19 '08

Yes I saw the reverse option on your website. Love your work.

actiondesigner Feb. 25 '08

This I remember from Tres Logos. At first I couldnt relate your name to it ...but It all made sense in the end? Really such a good thing to be able to stand out from that book%3B) A very good logo in other words

fogra Mar. 15 '08

Fantastic mark - it says it all!

nido Mar. 15 '08

water mark! **(get it?.. anyone?.. wat-er mark!.. wat a mark.. what a mark.. i just come up with them like that i do.. just like that.. water mark.. bloody genius!!!)

onesummer Apr. 03 '08

ohhohhh, i got one. This Rawwks!

grubedoo May. 19 '08

Sweet. What sont is that?

grubedoo May. 19 '08

Font, not sont ...

mister jones May. 19 '08

grubedoo, the font is FF Cocon

AL May. 20 '08

Aww! I vote for making the A-W kerning a bit wider :)

mister jones May. 20 '08

Al, to be honest, i'm a bit surprised that no one has mentioned this before. In retrospect, i have to agree with you, i could use some more spacing. *Too late now though, the logo has been used for a few years now and appears on about 40 vans and cars in and around Antwerp. And on everyone's water bill...

peha May. 30 '08

i saw this logo in 'tres logos' nice:)

noho34 Aug. 22 '08

great work. question for u: the water droplets you made..*did u use the pen tool or did u create a general shape and then warp it to form the droplet shapes?

mister jones Aug. 22 '08

@ noho: hand drawn from scratch with pen tool..

ojt Mar. 18 '09

One of best logos on the site, in my opinion. Respect. Had an idea for an HVAC companies logo, then remembered I probably saw something similar on logopond once. Had to come back and check. Now I cannot realize the idea anymore, too similar :-) Oh well, gotta go with the other options.**Anyway, congratulations on a great logo

mister jones Mar. 19 '09

thanks ojt, that's a really nice compliment :)

mister jones Mar. 24 '09

Just got published in LOGO 2, by Zeixs. Together with Me and mister Jones (x2), 4'33 and Natuur 2000. Woot!

dpb May. 24 '09

cool and easy to register in the minds of the viewer. Great concept

shamoon Jun. 02 '09

that's a nice and clever logo


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