Barkman Furniture V.3

by megashred13 • Uploaded: Oct. 05 '11 - Gallerized: Oct. '13


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Description: Another WIP for the furniture logo I am currently working on. In most cases, an iconic maple leaf brings the Canadian flag to mind instantly, which wouldn't be a bad thing if the company was located in Canada. I tried to use it in a way that would set itself apart from the Canadian flag. Again, colors have yet to be established...
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 12345

Lets Discuss

megashred13 Oct. 05 '11

Thanks for all the views and floats, guys! Your silent approval means a lot! :)

megashred13 Mar. 19 '14

Haven't been here for a while and just noticed I've been featured a couple of times since then. Thanks! Much appreciated


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