Barkman Furniture V.4

by megashred13 • Uploaded: Oct. 05 '11


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Description: Another swing at my current project. This is more of a structured, shield type of logo. Prospective colors may be orange and brown.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4140

Lets Discuss

megashred13 Oct. 05 '11

Softened the corners just a touch. Thanks Mike and Same for the floats!

designtofeel Oct. 05 '11

I like this but I think the white boarder is a little bright. What about that orange or yellow color instead?

megashred13 Oct. 05 '11

I see what you mean and I had tried the other colors but it seemed like a bit of a yellow/orange overload. For now I think I'm happy with the white but I'll definitely keep tweaking to see if find a solution other than white.**Thanks for your input. Means a lot!

Type08 Oct. 05 '11

There's also an option of ditching the white and doing the cuts on the places where it enters the enclosure...

megashred13 Oct. 05 '11

I tried that as well but it gives it somewhat of an up and down arrow effect. Thanks for the feedback, though. I am going to keep working with these suggestions, and I'll let you know if I come up with any suitable updates!


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