Hernan Muller

by mechax • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '12


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Description: Chairs Hernan Muller.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6429

Lets Discuss

samdemastrie Jan. 05 '12

Dang, that's pretty cool. I would probably put the name all on one line though.

nickhood Jan. 05 '12

Wow, thats really smart.

alterego Jan. 05 '12

Yep this one is really smart . Its really hard to believe this gone unused.

wiking Jan. 06 '12

Took me a second to see it. Well done.

lumavine Jan. 06 '12

I would think that the illusion would be better if the middle of the M aligns with the left side of the H. Great concept though. Is the name supposed to be a ripoff of Herman Miller?

wiking Jan. 06 '12

Thought the same thing, Luma re: Herman Miller.

Vergad Jan. 06 '12

Unless I'm seeing this wrong, shouldn't the middle stroke of the M be aligned vertically with the left side of the H? Also struggling between the lack of contrast between background colour and the logo. All that aside I think it's a very clever idea - well done!

Mikeymike Jan. 06 '12

%5Eagree. if the middle leg lined up with the left side of the %22H%22. very creative approach none the less. nice parody off the name also. :D

mechax Jan. 06 '12

Thanks for the valuable...

Sean Heisler Jan. 06 '12

There we go, brilliant.

Mikeymike Jan. 06 '12

now its clickin'. nice concept.

Vergad Jan. 06 '12

Bingo! Looking great now. Got my float

deiv Jan. 08 '12

This is really good. All the lines, the overall shape.. very good looking mark!

deniel Jan. 09 '12

I still dont get it guys... :S I think there is an objects or something in the negative space

shadzxiii Jan. 09 '12

The H M make a chair.Deniel :)

balic Jan. 09 '12

I didn't see the chair untill I red the description.*It's very clever, but I think it should be more recognizable.*Great thinking!

ColinTierney Jan. 09 '12

very smart. although am i seeing this right? should there be one more hind leg to the right? or is it just implied?

arnaudov Jan. 10 '12

chair on first look and yup, very clever ... i'll probably change the type

dbunk Apr. 22 '12

I felt what Colin felt, You could extend the right side of H till the base of M. Doing this would imply the chair illusion in a strong way

ChosenIdea426 Mar. 10 '16

Right. It would make infinitely more sense from the perspective of the illusion with the center of the M aligned with the left of the H, and the right side of the H to extend down as far as the center of the M as mentioned. Perhaps it would be too contrived, although I believe the H really has to be a hair over to the left regardless.


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