A Dream Within A Dream

by mabu • Uploaded: Aug. 22 '10


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Description: This up is a tad off, because it's actually the mark of a silkscreen poster I'm working on inspired by the latest Nolan masterpiece, Inception. Just felt like I wanted to share it and hear some thoughts.
As seen on: mabu.dk
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3269

Lets Discuss

mabu Aug. 22 '10

Thanks amigo. You really should. Inception is one of the most mind-fucking films I have ever seen.

michaelspitz Aug. 22 '10

%5E%5ESame here... %3B)

milou Aug. 22 '10

Inception was great, wish to watch it again in cinema, but back to the topic... I'm enjoying texture things lately. Nice job Mads.

JoePrince Aug. 22 '10

%5EI don't appreciate your potty-mouth, AnthonyLane. This is real nice Mads. And for the record...Inception would have been a lot better if it wasn't 18 hours long.

milou Aug. 22 '10

%5EI wasn't boring for a minute there JP.

mabu Aug. 25 '10

Thanks a bunch Michael, Milouz, Tony and Joe. Much appreciated gents.


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