American Culinary Federation

by m.kohn • Uploaded: Oct. 28 '08 - Gallerized: Nov. '08


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Description: Logo redesign for the American Culinary Federation
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 26569

Lets Discuss

firebrand Oct. 28 '08

This would benefit from a heavier type weight. Nice one.

cerise Oct. 28 '08

I like where this is going

BigAl67 Nov. 02 '08

Brilliant work. Love it.

tconrad Nov. 02 '08

Representing the S-C-A-D. Nice work, way to not delete this one off the gallery page, ha ha. with this logo i only wish the leading were equal, but i understand that it wouldn't work with the forms above the type, maybe if it were a butter knife! ha. no don't. looks great. keep 'er up.

bpotstra Nov. 03 '08

I think when employing vertical type setting, you may want to explore a mono-spaced typeface - there ARE some nice ones out there! :)

struve Nov. 03 '08

feels topheavy to me- maybe try a thicker or more contdensed font. that will give you the shape on the handles you're going for. you could also taper it towards the heads of the silverware to further customize the handle shapes

robak Nov. 03 '08

I would try to make it horizontal, and remove the gradient out of the typography. Also, maybe removing the gradient anyway and using just simply and clean lines would do better. The overall idea s very good.

gthobbs Nov. 03 '08

Agree with most of what's mentioned above:*- lose the gradient*- even out leading *- slightly bolder weight on typo*Nice mark.

m.kohn Nov. 03 '08

Thanks, everyone, for all comments and feedback!

mhdesign Nov. 10 '08

love the use of font as handles.

kriando Dec. 17 '08

Great Work. Congrats!!!!


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