
by m.kohn • Uploaded: Oct. 17 '08


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Description: Lust: A Martini Bar
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3120

Lets Discuss

logomotive Oct. 17 '08

Interesting. I see the L. This is one of those logos that you really need to polish it up to get the overall feel your trying to convey. What I would do is is use type with low height so it looks more like the stem of the glass and use the large height wise as the base.

logomotive Oct. 17 '08

That last part was in reference to the base L extend that part only. Just something you might want to try?

m.kohn Oct. 18 '08

I will definitely give it a shot. I have a couple of variations I played with, which have the the L also featured as the stem. Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep working with it.

brandsimplicity Oct. 18 '08

Man's always lusting after a good....%3B)

m.kohn Oct. 18 '08

:)**All about indulgence.

tconrad Oct. 27 '08

HAHA...i f-in' love you, you are hot to trot. I agree with logomotive by the way. Shnazy work.


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