
by logoholik • Uploaded: Sep. 18 '08


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Type08 Sep. 18 '08

I love little houses in negative space, even though they remind me more of the pure suburbs than the 'real' city... Thinking here, how could you build one of those between I and T letters? Hmmm...

logoholik Sep. 18 '08

I was playing with whole range of words with y at the end including country and county :) But left it like this for now. Possible addons would be neighbors or lodging which could bring it closer to residential house style.

logoholik Sep. 18 '08

I was trying also to squeeze in a building between I and T, but did not found proper way for it. That'll make this complete i guess :)

zooley Apr. 05 '10

...Beautiful!%0D*%0D*I'm livin' in a city almost full of houses and just some storeyed/residential houses.


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