Brian Arden Wines

by leighton_hubbell • Uploaded: Jul. 30 '08


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Description: Logo for a premium Napa Valley wine maker. Illustration and logo design for Damion Hickman Design
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3947

Lets Discuss

creativeheart Jul. 30 '08

Hey Bro - could this be read as a bad year for wines because there are no grapes?

leighton_hubbell Jul. 31 '08

Every year in the winter, the grape vines—some as much as 50 years old, go into dormancy and are trimmed back to look like this. Many wine enthusiasts and vintners find this rather sickly looking vine very romantic and evidence of a well aged and seasoned vine. At first, I thought much the same thing, but now I think it's pretty cool. This rendition is certainly better than the photos I got from the client%3B)

Lecart Apr. 28 '10

How come this has no flotas. I think it's great piece.

leighton_hubbell Apr. 28 '10

Thank you. **This was actually one of the concept directions that was not chosen. Here is where the logo finally ended up:

Lecart Apr. 28 '10

Is that one also yours? It's a great work.

Lecart Apr. 28 '10

Sorry, i rushed into questions before reading the actual article.

leighton_hubbell Apr. 28 '10

No worries. **Initially, I was hired to do the logo illustration and contribute design concepts. I rendered several grape vines, created a few concepts like this one and after a couple of rounds the design firm completed the assignment. They did eventually end up with my logo illustration in the final design. **The illustration was created with a brush and India ink, then converted to vector form.

michaelspitz Apr. 28 '10

Totally loving the illustration 'on bottle'! Great stuff!


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